we have to () our sports meeting till next week because of heavy rain.Aput down Bput on Cput up Dput off 填那个 为什么?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 17:07:04
we have to () our sports meeting till next week because of heavy rain.Aput down Bput on Cput up Dput off 填那个 为什么?

we have to () our sports meeting till next week because of heavy rain.Aput down Bput on Cput up Dput off 填那个 为什么?
we have to () our sports meeting till next week because of heavy rain.
Aput down Bput on Cput up Dput off 填那个 为什么?

we have to () our sports meeting till next week because of heavy rain.Aput down Bput on Cput up Dput off 填那个 为什么?
选第四个,put down是镇压,制止之意;put on是穿上,上演之意;put up有举起之意,比如说put up your hand;put off 则是推迟之意.

put off 推迟 延期的意思

D put off 推迟,延期的意思。整句话的意思是:因为下雨了,所以我们不得不推迟我们的运动会到下周。

D 推迟的意思