She is unlucky .She has had more than her fair () of bad lucky this year,A share B copy C part D meber

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 16:27:57
She is unlucky .She has had more than her fair () of bad lucky this year,A share B copy C part D meber

She is unlucky .She has had more than her fair () of bad lucky this year,A share B copy C part D meber
She is unlucky .She has had more than her fair () of bad lucky this year,A share B copy C part D me

She is unlucky .She has had more than her fair () of bad lucky this year,A share B copy C part D meber
不好意思,答案字母打错了.正确的为:A share
from 朗文当代字典
have had more than your fair share of something
to have had more of something,especially something unpleasant,than seems reasonable:
eg.Poor old Alan!He's had more than his fair share of bad luck recently.

C. more than her fair share of bad luck.遇到的坏运气太多。
