the film is over,I'm sure it may be ten o'clock 中 may可以换成must

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 01:20:56
the film is over,I'm sure it may be ten o'clock 中 may可以换成must

the film is over,I'm sure it may be ten o'clock 中 may可以换成must
the film is over,I'm sure it may be ten o'clock 中 may可以换成must

the film is over,I'm sure it may be ten o'clock 中 may可以换成must
这句话的原话我认为有毛病,既然说了I'm sure就不能再用may,sure已经表示肯定了,还may?就应该用must.I'm sure都是多余的,没必要说,显得很罗嗦.
The film is over.(I'm sure) it must be ten o'clock.这样说才更合乎人们常用的语气.


可以,事实上既然用 I'm sure 这么肯定的语气,must 还更合适些。

keyi ----城市房产
