
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 12:27:21
给我4个作文的题目,给好评! nobody和no one可以通用吗?两个有什么区别吖? 英语初下29页3a翻译!人教版的 印度名著 政事论,我有英文版原著,但是我英文 不好, 自学新概念英语第二册哪个版本的网络视频好? I still remember ( )to te Fme Temple and what I saw there.A.to take B.to be taken C.takingD.being taken I still remember what happened to me.为什么what不能用that 如何知道自己是风骚还是闷骚? 风骚,的意思,,闷骚,, 风骚和闷骚的本质有什么不同?做人是应该风骚点好还是闷骚点好呢 外表风骚内心闷骚是啥意思.. there be句型填空7.___________any pineapples in the basket?NO,____.________osme pears in it.13._______any jackets in the window?Yes,_________.____________fifteen.14.___________________a table tennis room in this new building?Yes,__________________ there be 句型填空 晚上9点前给我( )any knives in the box?( )an apple on the plates?( ) some books . no walk第三人 单数 “关于中西礼仪差异的小例子” 求翻译 中外城市别名最好带介绍,外国多点 现实点 There are plenty of books in our library .You can ____four at a time 我想表达用英语表达 我的听力太差了以至于我在听力考试中不能很好的理解它在讲什么不要口语化,注意语法 英语翻译听力材料:M:Could you split this one hundred yuan note?W:Certainly,into tens?M:Fifty in fifty yuan notes and fifty in ten yuan notes,please.How many notes will the man get?A.100 B.10 C.6请翻译听力材料及问题 我们调情,我们暧昧,但是不要相爱,不爱的爱情,永远不会变坏.用英语怎么说? 调情的英文怎么写呀 苏格兰调情英语怎么写 There is a boy in my heart ,still什么意思? 你好请问My heart is still has My heart is still so calm 英语翻译最重要是可以整句发音的.通常其他软件都是只能英语发音 中日翻译“为了前方的梦想,奋勇前行”请把发音写上 用适当的单词补全对话.A:什么does your mother do?B:she’s an English teacher in a middle school.A:Is her school 什么 from your home?B:Yes,it is.A:什么 does she go to work?B:She usually goes to work什么 bus.A:How long does i 后门木马是什么意思 数控车螺纹刀怎么对刀 根据对话内容,补全单词M(简写的人名)HI Rick.Do you like new d()?R :It is OK.I love hamburgers but I do not eat them any m().M:I like e() sweets but I do not eat them now.R:Are you f() better?M:Yes,I eat lots of fruit and I fell h