
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 04:10:17
The bank has been (stolen) (robbed) 选哪个,为什么 Being on sea,sail;being on land,settle.怎么接, Whoever robbed the bank is not clear.为什么错 Mount Qomolangma.on land.in the sea.in the world. one should love animals.they are so tasty 坦桑尼亚、南非,塞尔维亚是什么体制的国家?是不是复合制国家或联邦制国家,是的话给出证据.sb勿进 坦桑尼亚温度有多高是哪个国家 .The robber ,----the bank clerk and run away ,was caught by the police yesterday A having killedThe robber ,----the bank clerk and run away ,was caught by the police yesterdayA having killed B killing C.killed on my own在口语中的意思14.— How are you going, buddy?— . A little busy, though.A. Not too bad B. Can’t be worse C. On my own D. By train答案是C.请问怎么翻译? Another World (Contains Hidden Track Being On My Own ) 歌词 on my own 的中文意思 I'm on my 如题 living on my own 的中文意思 坦桑尼亚联合共和国的首都是哪里 i’m going to meet my friends at.2.30.对at 2.30提问 pass sth 和pass on sth 的区别 pass on sth和pass sth on有什么区别pass on sth to sb和pass sth on sb是一样的,用法上有区别吗?那pass on sth和pass sth on在用法上有什么区别? 坦桑尼亚属于哪个洲﹖ 句首 介词+现在分词结构怎么翻译,比如After having.,On being. After being___,he was told he was suffering from cancerA.checked B.tested C.examined D.treated为什么,请详析, after being asked 能不能省略being变成after asked作为状语为什么?我记得老师说过:主动ing,被动ed ( )(eat)good food helps you stay healthy the angry customer insisted (on being seen) by the manager为什么括号里不能填being seen呢?这里的insisted怎么样才能知道他是及物的呢?还是不及物动词? to avoid +宾语+being seen,being seen的句子成分是什么? Generally speaking,women are gentle and not as ____men; men like to fight.a. agressiveb. unconsciousc. informald. impressive Stand Up And Fight 歌词 保持好习惯是keep habits good 还是keep good habits笔记上说的是keep sth+adj.但是感觉这样好别扭.大神来看下答得好可以加悬赏。急急急 英语应该怎么学啊,为什么我的单词总是记不住呢 英语总是学不好有什么好的方法吗,单词怎么也记不住啊 为什么我的英语学不好 单词记不住 英语翻译把这首歌翻译成中文 写出大意即可我没说清楚啊 呵呵 这是一首韩语歌 很好听的 I think I am very healthy because I have a pretty good eating habit.I try to eat a lot of vegetable的翻译