
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 19:11:39
Tom is not in.he's [ ] school.A;going toB;been toC;gone to D;went to必须有理由 tried to work it out by looking.如题 My watch may be several minutes ----.what's the time by your watch ?A.slow B.behind C.faster Dslower 为什么 八年级上册16课《大自然的语言》的词语的拼音及意思 支持汉语拼音化的语言学者?我这几天看到几本语言学的书,有些作者还是大师竟然一直支持汉语拼音化.有80年代的还有近几年.这些老不死的.怎么想的.想暗SHA它们.把它们剃成猪尾巴辫子,让它 “我想你”的各种语言拼写!英语,法语,德语.的拼写 老师 ball和glass中的 l 读音是否相同 谢谢 只要音标一样 读起来不同 也算读音相同吗 ball怎么读 piush ball怎么读 houncing a ball怎么读 英语翻译 see变延续性动词 see是延续性动词还是终止性动词 see 是延续性动词还是短暂性动词 英语连词成句:policeman_The_was_caught_the_by_thief_. Heaven's mother,please help me take good care of his daughter是什么意思 It was from a good friend of his 后面是填 mother's 还是 mother the boys / a ball?应该怎么写? 一直活在现实与记忆间可以么.不想交(普通)朋友.因为曾经的记忆太美、我很怀念我的死党扪.这样活下去好么?可以么? 1.students should watch ___(little) TV and spend more time on their lessons.2.翻译我有时中午吃米饭,外带一些鱼和一碗汤.3.i can c___ my favourite from many different foods at l____ .4.i have supper at home with my parents ,or we go o 英语翻译Too often young people get themselves employment quite by accident,not knowing what lies ahead in the way of opportunity of promotion (提升) ,happiness and security (安全) .As a result,they are employed doing jobs that afford them lit Throw the basketball ( ) the net A of B on C at D in He puts the ball ____ the net .(to/in/at/on)请说明理由 Please ask our aunt ----- A what is wrong with her B where shall we live C why she did that forD what is her father I ask __with me?A、what is the matter;B、what the matter is 为什么?我认为这应该是个宾语从句,既然是宾语从句就应该用陈述句语序。所以我认为B对, ask sb what is the matter 还是 ask sb what the matter is我觉得应该是what is the matter 因为这个是陈述语序,主系表.可是在上海版牛津英语8B教材中 第57页写的是 ask sb what the matter is sb ask ab what is the matter with sth.为什么是这样的语序?而不是 what the matter is with sth my friend my friend 歌词 MY friend ,chenjie,live in sanya. play with her friends用汉语怎么说? Mrs Wang has looked for the book in the library for two hours ,but she still can't find it ___.(somewhere ) 填空.A s____ makes shoes.2.She wants to be the s___ of the fashion show.帮帮忙吧!