
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 03:56:21
如图,△ABC中,AB=AC,AD平分∠BAC,求证:△ABD≌△ACD 胸襟的近义词 胸襟的近义词是什么?快!快!快! 胸怀的近义词是什么 "胸怀"的近义词是什么? Has he ____(wait) for an hour yet? He has been swimming for an hour对“for an hour”提问 阿房宫赋中,金块珠砾的前一句和后一句是什么 《阿房宫赋》中‘鼎铛玉石,金块珠砾’有哪些词活用 《阿房宫赋》中“鼎铛玉石,金块珠砾”中有没有意动用法?是哪几个字? 中王指谁?初并天下 发生在什么时间? 工作的好坏对我们今天和未来都有很大的影响改为反问句 he has been writing the composition the whole morning and he still ishe has been writing the composition the whole morning and he still __________,A has been B does C has D is 答案为何选D呢? 找宰相,找成语!古时候有个宰相还是做官的什么人,他见皇帝是爱玩的人就既不劝说也不管政事了,但一见到圣贤的君主时就变得勇于讨论政事.这个人是谁?还有一句话(成语?)是形容他这种行 he has been writtingthe composition the whole morningyes and he still _______a has been b does c has d is请说明一下原因 最大的胸怀(成语)最大的胸怀- John has been working on the essay whole afternoon and he still( Ahas been B does C has DisJohn has been working on the essay whole afternoon and he still( Ahas been B does C has Dis 10.He has been writing the composition the whole morning and he still ______空里填does可以吗 小光,小明,小强和小华四人参加数学竞赛,4人的分数是互不相同的整数,他们的平均分是80分.小光得分最少,比小明少得6分;小华得分最多,比小强多得8分,得分最多的小华最少的多少分?高手们 富贵不能淫贫贱不能移威武不能屈,有没有体现民族精神的核心? 数学之美 这本书怎么样啊?好不好看…… 第8题,选项是A.has been worked B.has been workingC.has第8题,选项是A.has been worked B.has been workingC.has work D.worked. 求答案即解析. He has been worked hard ___his lessons.用at还是in啊? has been in和has been at的区别has been in.has been at.has been to.has gone to它们的区别 把 谁道人生无再少 改成陈述句快,我急需 急需 急需 急需 谁道人生无再少改成陈述句,急用 《阿房宫赋》标题有什么特点? 我幻想的未来是多么精彩 用英语 《阿房宫赋》的写作方式有D咩也特点? 有梦想就有未来&英语. 高凤笃学中的乃省中的省什么意思 《高凤笃学》里“时天暴雨”的“时”是什么意思?