
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 18:20:20
该怎么写决心书刚入中学,校长就要我写一份决心书,保证怎么在中学度过这三年的黄金时间,我不知道该写什么内容, Scientists have some w____ to tell whether something is a plant or an animal. He is d a poster to tell people to protect animals首字母填词 two pairs of shoes对吗会不会出现“shoes‘”处换成一个单数 i have two pairs of shoes and i want to buy a () pair 用 three怎样改加进括号里 合同书怎么写 协议书怎么写啊?急.因占地,我妈和我外婆的户口在一个户口本上,我妈是户主.现在要分房了,每人35平方.但是我外婆又要让我妈将其房子分开(开发商又不同意).所以就只能分到一套3的房,其 承诺书怎么写我买别人的房子,别人承诺给我办房产证,该怎么写 That would explain so much啥意思 you love someone so much that you would do anything I loved you so much that i would like to a pair of shoes中文 a big pair of shoes 还是 a pair of big shoes如题 有首英文歌 女生唱的 结束部分一直在重复you knowe good for me,baby you kown good for me 歌词有you are the one you are the only one,and the feel so good to me 一个男歌手唱的英文歌叫什么百度北方工大排舞这个视频的背景音乐 my father will come back after three in the afternoon的同义句是什么? 如何写承诺书 so many+n+that这个句型咋写 a pair of shoes 后跟什么 下列加点字,读音都不相同的一项是( )A、迥乎不同 炯炯有神 窘况惨然B、历经沧桑 沥尽心血 再接再厉C、寻求宝藏 藏头卧虎 臧否悬殊D、古老传说 孔子列传 宣传资料 This is Billy,my c___.Miss Williams is o___ teacher.Her father,___Williams,is a t ___,too. Mum,this is my teacher,Miss Li应该选哪个:A That'good.B This way,please.C Nice to meet you. I buy a pair of shoes ___that shop __a good price. we have pair of shoes at a very good price. 这里的pair要加s吗这是初一高效课堂的题目第34页,我没打错,前面没有a 英语翻译I’m five years oldIt’s getting coldI’ve got a big coat onI hear your laughAnd look up smiling at youAnd run and runAt the pumpkin patchThe tractor rolls onThe sky is goldI hug your legs and fall asleepThe whole way homeI don’t kno 求泰勒 斯威夫特的《The best day》的中文翻译. There is a long river (穿过)our city.这里的穿过是through 还是across cross什么的?这三者有什么区别? when ___ your father leave for sansha city?three days ___ A will;ago Bdid;ago Cwill;laterDdid;before there is a river through our city.I think at least two bridges什么(need或are needed)over it there isn't our city a river in (.) 连词成句 this is miss li.错在哪里 Better Life Better Man翻译中文意思是什么?