
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 04:18:02
用足量H2还原80g足量H2还原80g氧化铜粉末,反应一段时间后,测得固体质量减少8g,此时消耗H2 22 .4L(标准状况下),求生成Cu的质量 My demand is that the information referred to in my report ________ to Mr.Brown without delay.A.to be e-mailed B.e-mailed C.be e-mailed D.being e-mailed ( )故意,that he made the mistake in order to catch others' attention翻译里要有“purpose”,还要注意句子中“that” 谁能告诉我些什么课外作业能提高英语,举些例子 小学升初中买什么课外作业好? 哪种工具书课外作业好 卐和卍 的区别和来由 逗比怎么解释? 逗比…怎么解释 这是什么逗 求解释 哥哥姐姐些帮我解释下, His r___ is very nice. His school is very nice, t_ Sammy is usually very nice to his little sister. He is a very nice boy. Specialy his kindness…是什么意思哦 the Release the soul to make myself happy什么意思 英语翻译:法律:请问在诉讼的分类中,regulatory, civil or criminal action这三种诉讼具体应该怎么翻译谢谢! 英语翻译The Ineffectiveness of Dowry Prohibition Laws of India 这是什么法,最好有中文对应的, He is a teacher and a worker.He is a teacher and a worker.请问正确答案是什么?不定冠词能共用吗? You —— ask questions actively in class 我们常常被老师幽默的语言逗得 我今天作业写错页,老师要我抄三遍文言文和解释,在抄60遍 认真听讲 老师是在逗我吗' offender criminal 区别两者的区别是啥?谢谢拉.两者都可以作为罪犯翻译,但这两个单词表示罪犯或者犯罪当事 人的意思时,有河区别呢? 怎样逗姑娘? 咋逗女孩啊教教我啊 an old man lived in a certain part of london 今天我走到她面前,说她很特别,眼睛好大个,弄得大家好尴尬,请问:怎样逗女孩子,请举例子. Certain|y是什么意思? 应该怎样逗姑娘?我就不擅长这个,经常给逗哭了…… We ______ the letter yesterday,but it did not arrive.A must receive B must have receivedC ought to receive D ought to have received请问这道英语单选选哪个呢?请告知为什么选那项,别的为什么不选?最后还请翻译一下这句 Hehe,不是中国的呵呵吗?外国人也这么说?