
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 05:13:55
there are 52 students in my class?52提问 There are o_____ fifty students in my class.题是根据首字母填单词.不会写的来故意混分的,给老子衮,我没那么傻,不会给你们这帮混分的B 分的! 怎么样利用老友记学英文 There are 46 students in my class.(对46提问) 什么是询证函? 是Time has passed 还是Time has passed by 两个都正确吗?如果是有什么不同? 英语翻译也可以是"闻着臭,吃着香" 该怎样利用《老友记》学英文口语 《老友记》中哪一集最适合学英语? 大象的生活习性 Show me what LOVE show me what love is?问情为何物,我己是己婚男人!现在对恋爱的那种感觉早己麻木!想想真的说不出什么是爱!有人说爱就是情感与情感之间的交流!听起来好像有点道理,仔细想想又不知所云~也许是 Show me what love is haven't got a clue. 求莲文章 关于莲的作文 maria arredondo-catch me if i 下面文字英语怎么说?那个才是真正的我?【给我一盆仙人掌 告诉我要和它一样坚强】这句话我经常说 可是自己问问自己 真的做到过几次 可以说没有 虽然在朋友公司 我装作一副无所谓的样 莲藕是莲的哪一部分?A.根 B.茎 C.假根 D.果实 Many crimes then were committed in the name of necessity.帮忙翻译一下 藕是莲的什么? Your ID card is in [ ]case.A lost and found B the lost and found Many crimes are committed by some bad people,an example of which is fraud,a crime money is stolen by cheating others.A.which B.that C.whose D.where 英语翻译 藕的莲是什么? Maria Arredondo 的 catch me if I fall歌词意思 希望帮忙翻译一个句子What hate crimes are committed in the film 藕是莲的什么部位? 英语翻译歌词:Leave me out with the wasteThis is not what i doIt's the wrong kind of placeTo be thinking of youIt's the wrong timeFor somebody newIt's a small crimeAnd i've got no exuseIs that alright?Give my gun away when it's loadedIs that alr Is she a new yes,she's a new teacher here改错 please give me some advice how使我的儿子远离网络 后边翻译成英文 怎么翻译 藕是在荷花下面还是在荷叶下面? The student are( )young people between the ages of sixteen and twenty.A.most B.much C.mostly D.at most