
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 13:22:00
force sb do sth 跪求几篇初中物理功率教案 "伏案疾书"是什么意思? The boy used a keyboard to ----- the window of his new computer game.A.restartB.openC.controlD.print为什么选B?Tommy,may I use your computer?--------------.It can not be started.为什么用I'm afraid not。I'm afraid not不是“恐怕不是” I am s( ) they can get there early.上题括号中该填什么我觉得suer和surprised都可以 your cat=____________(意思不变) 地道翻译谢谢.He didn't care what he looked like to others;he only cared about finish the task. 已知∠1=∠2=∠3求证AE·AC=AD·AB求证AE·AC=AD·AB 已知:AB=AC,AD=AE,∠1=∠2,求证:∠3=∠1 她不害怕在全校师生面前讲话.She isn’t afraid of___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ the whole school. 우린 매일 항상 제, “매일마다 즐거운 하루”是什么意思啊?"매일마다 즐거운 하루"是什么意思啊?? LIFESTYLE怎么样 英国的lifestyle怎样?我对英国很有兴趣, 青岛的lifestyle~~~请青岛的本地人说说青岛的lifestyle,主要是文化呀,购物呀,生活节奏等等. 英语翻译poor disclosure of placings.22 Excluding the depression years 1930 to 1933,anaverage of 32 IPOs took place each year between 1919 and 1939.This figurecompares favorably with the annual rate of activity up to 1979,other than inthe 1960s.By 英语翻译题目是Subsoil TPH contamination in two oil pipeline pumping stations and one pipeline right-of-way in north Mexico,大概的意思是两个泵站间的TPH污染和.总是翻译不清晰,不顺畅, My life will start since now ! 我的人生将从现在开始! 这句话写对了吗?,急 这是我的论文要求,我能看懂每一个单词但是不理解具体意思,请英文好的人用清晰的中文帮忙翻译下.谢谢了Examine and critique a social intangible of the company's performance with regards to fulfilling the needs wi 为甚麼我看英文的时候,往往一个句子裏边的单词我都懂的,但是连起来就是不明白它的意思呢? 日单Champion 品牌的衣服L码是多大,和中国的衣服一样吗?好像Champion的美国货和欧洲货M码等于中国的XL码具体的是 M码(约XL):肩宽52 胸围112 衣长68 袖长62cm但是在淘宝上见了日单的 尺码是M 肩宽 I don't have to leave today.In fact,it_____as a direct result of Andy Roberts reorganizing my plan.A.occurs to B.comes about C.brings about D.gets down 1、I am taking/ take the elevator today because I have so much garbage to carry.take和taking用哪个 Accounting and Finance 翻译为中文是"会计与财务",但是会计与财务有什么区别?不是一个意思吗? 为什么是are you certain 不是are you certainly certain的副词 certainly不是副词吗 为什么可以单独成句 找个人来爱我翻译成英文怎么说? 你来爱我英文怎么写 although he was lived with us four years,he...us much impression答案是hasn`t left为什么不是didn`t leave或者doesn`t leave Although he has lived with us for years ,he------us much impression .1dosen't leave 2hasn't left为啥不是1?对不起,我说错了,我要问:为啥不选2?实在对不住了! healing foods该怎么翻译?