
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 07:53:19
1.tourist have been coming from all parts of the country to see it2.the tourist have been picking leaves and cutting their names on the tree trunk.这两句采自新概念二第58课.我想问的是第一句的coming为什么是动名词第二句的p 已知集合M=(0,1,2},N={1,2,3},Q={3,4,5},则(M∪N)∩Q= 如果a是100的算术平方根,b是125的立方根求a的平方加4b加1的平方根是多少拜托各位了 3Q 初中英语.简单句子求解!谢谢!(1)at times 的意思,可以用在句首吗?(2)When I finish it,I feel tired.这句话有语法上的错误吗?(3)such as.and so on 中间部分只写一个短语可以吗?是不是必须写多于两个才对?(4 初中英语-完成句子? 几道初中英语完成句子1.佛山已经成为广东省的第三大城市.Foshan has become ___________of Guangdong Provice.2.轮到他扫课室了__________sweep the classroom.3.她游泳不如我好.She______________me. 改写句子 完成句子一.改写句子1.Paul stayed for the math test at home the whole day.(改写为否定句)Paulu____ ____ for the math test at home the whole day.2.We have to wear sports shoes in PE classes.(改写为一般疑问句)____ we _ 完成句子 IX.完成句子 根据汉语句意完成英语句子,每个空格填一个单词.81.今年暑假去看世博会好吗?___________ ___________ going to Shanghai World’s Fair this summer vacation?8.2到了过低碳生活的时候了.It i 设全集I={0,1,2,3},集合M={0,1,2},N={0,2,3},则集合MUC1U=?A.空集 B.{1} C.{0,1,2} D.{2,3} 用总需求-总供给模型说明,在开放经济中,总需求的变动对宏观经济有什么影响? 22222222+22222222等于多少? 从1加到100等于多少?又简便方法吗? 1+1为什么等于22222222 54X99等于多少?要用简便方法 John took control as monitor of our class=John was made monitor and ____ ____ of our class 初中英语改句子This is the room.Lei Fang once lived in the room.This is the room___ ____Lei Fang once lived. 改初中英语句子why is the car late ; would you tell 用WH疑问词引导宾从句DId you enjoy yourself at the party Can you tell me 含宾语从句的复合句 初中英语改同意句1.I hate being interrupted while I am speaking.2.We could read yjis sentence well.3.They may come here by plane.改may4.I can speak English well.改can 满足条件M∪{1}={1,2,3}的集合M的个数是几个 按要求改句子.25What else can you see at the aquarium?同义句What___ ___can you see at the aquarium?最好有解释说明为什么这么改 如果A=(a-2b+3)√(a+3b)为a+3b的算术平方根,B=(2a-b-1)√(1-a²)为1-a²的立方根,求A+B的平方根 办丧事后 非常感谢同学们能够前来悼念 的语句想发短信简单感谢一下,但是不知道怎么组织语句.是我外公的丧事!麻烦大家替我想想 55555555555乘5555555555555等于多少 在Rt△ABC中,若∠c=90°,CD⊥AB,垂足为D,而且AB:CD=4:根号3,求tanB 在Rt△ABC中,∠C=90°,CD⊥AB于D,∠A=60°,CD=根号3 ,求AB. for i=1 to controls.count-1是什么意思啊.controls是个什么对象啊. vb题,For i=1 to 2 for j=1 to 2 for k=1 to jvb题,For i=1 to 2for j=1 to 2for k=1 to ja=a+2next knext jnext i最后变量a的值为10,怎么算, VB:"For i = 0 To List1.ListCount - 1",后面的List1.ListCount - 英语翻译爱情真的是一种很奇妙的感觉,不需要太多的言语,只要凝视着你便心潮澎湃.一天的旅行结束,回到家已经很晚了,一个人躺在床上不禁回忆起刚说完再见的你,路上我做了一个梦,梦里靠 11×111等于 111+11等于 解方程:3x(x-1)=0的解是 (x+3)(2x-5)=0的解是 (2a+5)²=0的解是